ОбщийTranslation to english

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I've found this game almost at random on a google search and have noticed that only some of the game is in english, however as none of the quest/conversation text is in english the game is pretty much unplayable.

This is a shame as it otherwise looks like a very well made RPG, can anyone tell me if translation to english is being worked on?
Telaia1, http://www.lostmagic.org/
I don't understand, how is giving the game link answering my question?
Sorry, i was asking if there are any plans to translate more of the game to english?
I think not.)
That's a shame, I really like the look of this game, but whilst I can play it doing so without being able to read the quest stuff makes it less fun to play
Hi Telaia!

Glad you liked the game. Most user interfaces are being translated on-the-fly in the process of development so the game is somewhat playable. Unfortunately this is not the case for the artistic texts such as quests, dialogues, library etc. We have no near future plans on it, sorry.

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